Recognition of the qualifications of higher professional and university schools acquired outside the Republic of Kosovo
This electronic service helps citizens who apply for the recognition of foreign university degrees and higher professional schools that belong to levels 5 to 8 of the National Framework of Qualifications issued by foreign Higher Education institutions. In the qualifications of levels 5 - 8 of the National Framework of Qualifications, higher professional schools, bachelor's, master's and doctorate are included.
Necessary documentation:
Graduates who have completed their studies in the Republic of Albania and North Macedonia must put the apostille stamp on their original diploma and grade certificate.
In the absence of any of the documents listed above, the request will not be considered;
NARIC and the Commission of experts may also request additional documents in certain cases.
Notarization of documents and translation must be done in the Republic of Kosovo.
Documents submitted for recognition are not returned.
Law no. 04/L-037 for Higher Education in the Republic of Kosova
Administrative Directive (MEST) no. 12/2018 Principles and procedures for recognition of diplomas, degrees and qualifications of Higher Professional and University Schools acquired outside the Republic of Kosovo